Sunday, July 17, 2011

Money = Power

Money is power is the cliche of all cliches, but Marx proves that it is true and agrees with it. He says that money has the ability to make the less talented have more of the talented ( this made me think of Britney Spears ) After many other comparisons, he also says that Money has the power to bind society. Thinking about this connections is kind of scary because the way that money has soooo much power over individuals and the mass society. He's right money is power and whoever accumulates the most money has the most power.

He uses Shakespeare to describe two properties of money that he agrees with:
1. It is the visible divinity.
- by this to me he means that to touch power is made available by money and with this money you can do anything which I feel America has illustrated for us by the corrupt law system, corrupt politics and the corrupt society that is willing to trade their morals for a higher monetary status
- Karl Marx summarizes this by saying,"That which I am unable to do as a man,... I am able to do by means of money" (Marx, 104)
2.) "It is the common whore, the common pimp on people and nations."
- This made me laugh and really stood out to me because it is soooo true on different levels (3)
~it's overused by everyone
~it enslaves humans & their desires
~filled with corrupt ways

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